Thursday 14 April 2011

Layout of Illogic Poster

I believe my layout so far to be conventional, as the title of the film appears 3/4's of the way down the page, I will then place the image above this. The date I have placed at the bottom on the page where I will also add credits above and the website below. The main actress name appears at the top of the page bold and easily noticed, as most film post use this layout.   I have chosen to have a black background to add to the darkness of my image, I will place my main image on top of this.
I have used the colour scheme black white and red as the black and white compliment eachother and the red disrupts the equilibrium, is bold and creates fear as the colour suggest blood and horror.

I decided to use a high angled shot looking down onto the character to create a sense of empathy, suggesting she is the victim. I angled the shot to indicate the character was trapped in a confined space. The mise-en-scene has light walls to create a theme of an institute however it is also a dark space which I enhanced using a night vision setting on the camera. The costume, the white blouse creates a sense of innocence, although the overall costume imitates an average teenage girl. The character is positioned with only one side of her face illuminated, the other is partly obscured by her hair, which I believe is conventional for this genre, hiding one side of her personality from the audience, leaving them questioning whether she is the victim or in fact the protagonist. The photographs she is sat on create confusion as at first glance they appear to be magazine pages, however once you take a closer look you realise they are actually of her face and are marked with red crosses; which are not visible on the image therefore I will apply these once editing, this indicates she is being targeted. Editing the image I have used a feather technique and I have also
pixelated the picture to make it seem as though she is on CCTV being watched.