Wednesday 9 February 2011

Group Plot Synopsis

The film will revolve around a young female (Nicole – 18) who is a student still in school. She is the main character with only a few scenes involving other characters making an appearance in flashbacks of the trailer. The film trailer begins with the girl trapped inside a closet; we don’t know how she got there, why she is in there, or how she is going to get out. The female character will show to be a popular student, with high grades- we will show this in the trailer by a flashback of her teacher throwing down her results paper on the desk with disbelief and a close up shot of her results paper with the highest grade on. In the film trailer using flashbacks we will also show she comes from a rich family, by a shot of her house and her parents giving her the keys to her brand new car. She is going to be represented as a young girl with a ‘perfect life’, which is why we want to know the secrets behind her being in this situation. She will also be someone who doesn’t care about anyone but herself, which is why we can see there are lots of people who could be a suspect/protagonist.
                Although we will not show where she is being held in the trailer, in the film this will be revealed as under the school, because at the start of the film, we would see some construction workers building this huge mental building underground, this building underground would have been a containment place for deadly murders, and there will be a date at the bottom saying October 1855. In t6he film the next scene would cut to present day, as it will show at the bottom of the screen and a shot of the school with everyone outside the building.
                Throughout the film trailer we will see that the only way for her to esc ape from the closet is to figure out the games and puzzles that lie in front of her on the door, objects could also be hung on the door, to help her with each puzzle/game. To make the film a more exciting thriller we will see that there is a clock on the wall with only a certain amount of time on it, and at the end of that time the words ‘end game’ appear, making the audience aware of the strain a pressure she is under. Each room will contain a puzzle with a limited amount of time to complete the game.  When she copletes the game she will be receive a key allowing her to pass into the next room. The key will also have a date attached to it linking to a flashback of something that happened on that particular day this will also lead the audience to assume a protagonist.
                 Nicole will figure out the puzzles rapidly showing she is a bright girl, however we soon realise the doors and puzzles are ongoing. We watch her struggle running out of time trying to solve the puzzles. In the film one of the puzzles will include a fierce decision for Nicole as she has to pick between the life of her mother and the life of her boyfriend. Only the puzzles, a sense of protagonist, and the information surrounding the main character will be given away in the trailer.

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