Wednesday 9 February 2011

Preliminary Exercise – 500 word Synopsis

I have chosen to produce a film synopsis under the genre of Horror/Psychological thriller with a super natural feel.
Dr. Frank Hudson founded the Nashville Rehabilitation clinic in 1929 to support and cure disturbed adolescents with extreme phobias of aspects of everyday life. However all the teenagers that went into the clinic never came back out. It was believed that Dr. Hudson was a cruel, wicked man who kept each patient under lock and key making them suffer to their death as screams were often heard echoing from the mansion at the top of the small village. As young adolescents were found missing the institution that it had become was closed down and Dr. Hudson, found guilty of murder, was hung for his crimes.
                60 years on, a Dr Priestly saw a rising percentage of young teenage suicides and decided to re-open the clinic taking in a small group of young adolescents with mental illnesses and issues such as depression and severe phobias, to help the overcome there fears and cure then from their illnesses. His theory was that for 7 days and 7 nights these individuals would be tested and forced to confront their fears, which could lead to a possible cure.
                Dr. Priestly took a particular interest into 5 of the Nashville patients; Elizabeth who has a fascination with the feel of blood resulting in her constantly cutting herself. George who suffered from severe hallucinations which had been identified as Skitsorenia however Priestly was not convinced of the label that doctors had given him. Sarah had an obsessive Compulsive Disorder for cleanliness and struggled to touch life objects. Harry had severe anger issues and had received countless amounts of anger management help, yet he still struggled to control his violent temper, currently coming out of prison for GBH, and Jessica lived in a silent world showing no emotion due to her being subdued to her father brutally killing her mother at the young age of 10.
                As the Doctor pursued his work one by one the young adults start to disappear and the mansion was believed to be filled with evil, disturbed spirits from those who were murdered there once before. However one evening the night nurse on her way into work discovered drops of red blood in the snow, as she follows the trail of blood around the to the back of the spooky house she find Harry’s dead corps with vital organs such as the eyes, heart etc removed. The intellectual puzzle then deepens as the super natural is questioned by certain individuals. The young adolescent patients all turn against each other, as nobody knows who to trust.
                As a safety precaution security guards were brought in to protect and observe the remaining patients. With their introduction a new area of the old institution was discovered when a wall was knocked down during installation of surveillance cameras. This new wing was mainly at lower level than the rest of the institution and consisted of a maze of run down rooms and corridors. During the exploration of this new wing one room was found that could not be entered, and the door was in perfect condition compared to everything surrounding it.
                After this discovery that rate of attacks and murders doubles, terror was on the loose and fear ruled. Five patients including Elizabeth and Dr Priestly were found all brutally murdered with their organs yet again removed and the bodies left outside on the snow as if a warning was being given. Slowly but surely every patient, nurse and guard met their end at the hands of an unknown entity.
                As the film draws to a close, the only ones left alive are George, Sarah, Elizabeth, and a security guard all fighting for their lives one by one as George is attacked and murdered followed by Elizabeth. Finally the immaculate door swings slowly open and a figure emerges from the shadows. Jessica the silent, fragile, emotionless young women pretending to be completely mentally disturbed by the brutal death of her mother appears, as flash backs show her murdering and perfectly preserving her victims’ bodies, then cutting them open removing their vital organs and using the security guard to sell the organs to the black market.

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