Wednesday 11 May 2011

Advanced Portfolio Research and Planning

3.) We identified they key codes and conventions of our chosen film genre in our research and planning stage. Each of the group members carried out a full analysis of a film trailer with the genre of a psychological thriller, from this we each identified the codes and conventions and found that we all had answers in common.
4.) We developed the brief by conducting a storyboard, placing the shots and dialogue in chronological order, from this we developed the animatic which consisted of a variation of still images, constructed using the correct camera shots and angles, with dialogue and music.
5.) We decided on our genre after researching and analysing film trailers of different genres. From this we decided that the easiest genre to construct a trailer for would be a Horror or a Psychological Thriller. However as the majority of past students had created a Horror trailer we decided we would do something different. The main decider however, was the preliminary exercise we all undertook each writing a 500 word plot synopsis for a film. We then participated in a filmed discussion, deciding on which synopsis was most plausible. Mitchell won the decided vote which implicated our film genre.
6.) We targeted a specific audience from our redraft of our plot synopsis as we found the character gender and age along with the genre would implicate the target audience. From this we decided, gender 60% female and 40%male, age 15-40.
7.) We developed a plot synopsis so that we had a basic idea of our story line which enabled us to plan around it. It was the starting point of the film process.
8.) We made the decision about the content of our trailer by creating a storyboard which allowed us to conduct the flow of the trailer. We used the reconstructed version of our synopsis to form an idea of how the trailer should flow and from analysis real media texts we found the conventional way to structure a trailer was out of sequence.
10.) Connotations of the name of our film.
ILL – sick minded the mother.
Illogic – nothing about the trailer is logical, a mother trying to kill her child.
11.) Our storyboard gave us a guide to how the sequence of shots would flow, we also discovered ideas which didn’t work and how to change them. It gave us a visual image of what our trailer could possibly look like.
12.) From our story board we conducted an animatic, this involved taking still images in the order of the sequence of our story board.      

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