Wednesday 11 May 2011

Focus Group Questions

Focus Group for film trailer Illogic

Over the last few months our media studies brief has been to produce a film trailer. Today we intend to collect audience feedback on our completed film trailer. We would like you to view our trailer once and answer the written questions below. We will then contribute by having a discussion about your views on the trailer and our film posters for the trailer. 

What are your expectations of a film trailer? What should they contain and do?

Written questions
1.)   Which gender does our trailer predominantly target?

Male                            Female                       Both

2.)   What age range would you say the trailer targets?

12-18              15-30              15-40              18-55

3.)   What category of genre do you believe our film trailer is?

Horror/Super natural
Psychological Thriller

4.)   Describe 3 shots which particularly stood out to you?

5.)   Can you identify the protagonist/villain from the trailer? What clues are there?

6.)   Does the film trailer appeal to you? Would you go to the cinema to see the film?

7.)   Do you think the soundtrack compliments our use of shots in the trailer?

8.)   Do you think the narrative is clear and understandable in the film trailer?

Can you predict the story of the film from the trailer?

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